Knoxville Pimento Cheese

Last night, Vasily and I celebrated our one year anniversary! (Yes, one year. I know, I can't believe it either. Thank you.)

And since we've been on the road so much, we decided to have a little stay-cation while Stella was at the vet getting fixed. She's not too happy with that decision.

For dinner, we tried Knox Mason. It definitely hit the top of my "favorite restaurants" list with just one meal.

French Broad to drink. Yum.

The food we ordered was really good - I don't think you could go wrong ordering anything here.

We started with the Pimento Cheese. I wouldn't have chosen this had I not seen almost everyone else in the restaurant starting with this. How good could Pimento cheese be? BUT OMG IT IS.

I ordered a plate for us, because everyone else was doing it. And I've never been more excited about pimento cheese. I told Vasily that I could eat that for the rest of my life.

And now I will attempt to make homemade pimento cheese because we have to stay in with our cone- head puppy:

Pimento Cheese, according to Paula Deen.

3 oz of cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup grated sharp cheddar
1 cup grated Monterey Jack
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon House Seasoning (recipe below... but if you're not feeling it, just throw in some salt and pepper and no one will be the wiser.)
2-3 tablespoons pimentos
1 teaspoon grated onion

In case you were as confused as I was: a grated onion is just what it sounds like. (Googled it.)
Take an onion, peel the outside like you normally would to cut it, pull out your cheese grater and go to town.

Throw the cream cheese into your electric mixer and beat until it's smooth and fluffy.
Add all of the remaining ingredients into the mixer and beat again until well blended.

Paula's House Seasoning:
1 cup salt
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder
Mix all of this together.

This makes a ton. A cup of salt? Really, Paula?

I tried to make 1/3 of this, but confused myself trying to figure out 1/3 of 1/4, so I just kind of eyeballed it. It tasted fine to me... I guess the trick would be more salt than black pepper and garlic powder, but Paula probably won't be checking your work, so it's all good. (Give me a break -- it's been a long time since Kumon.)

Pimento cheese mid-mix. 

I was very pleased with my first pimento cheese attempt. My trendy sister said that pimento cheese is "in" now, so go ahead -- impress all your friends and/or trendy sisters. 

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