In a pinch: Something out of nothing.

Ahoy, eaters! I have nothing nautical to say in this post, I just felt like saying Ahoy! So there!

This weekend I found myself in a bit of a food bind. I was sick most of the week and never made it to the grocery store, so most normal people would probably take the opportunity that we call a weekend to go to the grocery store, however, I have some neuroses rules about shopping at the Thunderdome Dekalb Farmer's Market on a weekend. Basically I just won't do it. It's cah-razy. So I was left this weekend with what was in my fridge and pantry. It was slim pickins. I didn't even have an onion.

I hopped on Tastespotting (good-bye productivity) for some inspiration and shamelessly typed into the search bar: chicken breast.


Here I am, one of three food bloggers and I'm basically googling 'what to do with a chicken breast.' Not my finest moment admittedly, but after scrolling few a few recipes I was struck with inspiration by an at-home take-out recipe. Perfect. I foraged in my fridge and cabinets and came up with the following: a chicken breast, jasmine rice (almost a full cup!), some wrinkly (but still good) mini bell peppers and almost wilted Swiss chard. It was time to make some Chinese take-out.

[honey sriracha chicken w/chard and peppers]

Here is my go-to quick marinade for any meat for a fake take-out meal (per pound of meat):
  • one egg white
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp rice wine

Then, I mixed, in a separate bowl:
  • 1/3- 1/2 corn starch
  • 1-2 tbsp salt (depending on how salty you like your food. I am heavy handed with the salt.)
  • dash or two of pepper

Then in oneeee more bowl, I mixed the following:
  • 2 tbsp sriracha
  • 2 tbsp honey

Chop your chicken into 1 inch pieces and add them to the bowl with the egg-white marinade. Let all those ingredients become friends while you julienne your bell peppers and chard and while you mix your cornstarch and salt batter.

After about 15 minutes, drain the egg whites off the chicken, but don't rinse it. If it's a little runny, it's OK. I mean, we're kinda scrapping here anyway, right? Add your chunks of chicken to the corn starch mixture and stir to coat evenly.  

Put a tbsp of canola oil or grapeseed oil in a wok or deep non-stick pan and turn to high. Once the oil is hot enough (test with a piece of chicken- does it sizzle and start to fry? Good. If not, wait.) add your chicken. I did mine in two batches for even, quick cooking. Your chicken will fry up quickly, so keep an eye on it and stir when needed so there's no sticking to the pan. You don't want to stir so much that you knock all the batter off, but you don't want anything sticking, either.

Place done chicken on a paper-towel lined plate to drain excess grease and add the rest of the chicken. Once this is almost done, add your peppers and chard, stirring to cook. After about 5 minutes, add the rest of the chicken and the honey-sriracha sauce, reducing the heat to low and stirring so that everything is evenly coated.

Serve over steamed jasmine rice.

Until next time,



  1. This blog is awesome, you guys! I feel the same way about the Dekalb Farmer's Market. One time I went on a Sunday afternoon and I had to park in their overflow parking lot. I didn't even know it existed and it was about 100 miles from the entrance. Still, there's no place like it and that's what makes it worth it...during off hours :)
    ~Carla Schwartz

    1. Thanks, Carla! Glad to know you share the love/hate with the Farmer's Market. I agree, too, though- totally worth it. I actually went at 9 am on a Tuesday morning once and it was AWESOME. I highly recommend it. I was in and out in 20 minutes. I wanted a medal.
